An Australian man has survived after getting lost, in the Indian Ocean, for more than 28 hours. He fell overboard at night, during a storm. He thinks that he passed out and fell into the water.
He was on a surfing holiday, with friends, but got ill with food poisoning. He had gone to the side of the boat, to be sick, but got dizzy and fainted. When he woke up, he was in the water. He tried to swim after the boat, but it was too fast.
He was alone in the water for the next 28 hours. He was a strong swimmer, so he swam through the waves and thought about things from home to stop from falling asleep. He was very tired, and started to hallucinate.
But he saw some real things too. He was attacked by seagulls and touched by a shark. When he was found, he was 20 kilometres away from where he fell overboard. And he had lost nearly 6 kilograms in weight!
Survive - to continue to live
Lost - unable to find your way
Overboard - go from a ship into the water
Pass out - to become unconscious
Fell - past tense of fall, lose your balance and collapse
Food poisoning - illness caused by bad food
Sick - to vomit
Dizzy - a sensation of spinning around and losing your balance
Faint - pass out, lose consciousness
Woke up - past tense of wake up, to stop sleeping
Alone - have no one else present
Wave - long, curling body of water
Hallucinate - to think you see something which isn't actually there
Attack - act against someone aggressively
Seagull - a bird that normally lives close to the sea
Shark - a large fish, normally a predator.
Think about
Which sea animals do you like, which are you scared of?
What would you think about, to help you survive?
Do you know of any other stories like this?